Original Stories
Submit a Story

Do you have an original M*A*S*H story which you would like to share with other M*A*S*H fans on the internet? If so, email it to me for review to have it posted on this site. Stories should be in one of the following PC formats: Word (.doc), Wordperfect, plain text (.txt), HTML, or RTF. It can also just be in the body of emails. Please indicate at the end of it whether the story is "to be continued" or "the end." If you have more than one story which should be considered a series, please let me know the name for the series and what part each story is. A series is a group of stories that follow the same story and most often should be read in a particular order to be completely appreciated.

Please note that it sometimes takes several weeks for a story to be posted depending on the quantity I receive and my schedule at the time. I review stories in the order in which I receive them.

The M*A*S*H characters all belong to Twentieth Century Fox. Otherwise, the stories are the properties of their authors.
