This is a poem dedicated to BJ
I am who I am
and I love it alot
I don't care what you say
I got to do my duty
to save people's lives
and not let them die
for hope for them to survive
is a 50% chance.
I am a surgeron but
I also run my life.
I am in a war but I keep stable.
I am who I am.
I am a person
doing my best
and getting help when needed.
some days I'm stubborn
and some days,
I'm not.
I love to do my job
but I can't stand blood and death.
Death is a bad thing and must not be taken for granted.
Doctors try to save wounded but some do not make it.
We try our best but our best is not enough
There is shelling and bombing and I can't stand it.
People are afraid to die including I but
I am who I am and that is all what matters.
Brandy Elizabeth Prpich Storowotsky
Authors note: that is my real name at the bottom. This was made on August 23rd 2000. This poem means alot. You can find more of my poetry on