6/28/2004 12:05:03 AM
Name: Samantha
Email: sdez90@hotmail.com
Where are you from? Michigan
Home Page: MHS Cheer
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Absolutely love the site, especially the "quote of the day". I've been watching M*A*S*H off and on for as long as I can remember, but only recently started watching it regularly. It's a great show. When I was little I never used to watch the episodes with Trapper because I never liked him...now I wonder what I was thinking then...those are some of my favorites! Anyway, great site and keep up the awesome work!
6/27/2004 9:44:10 PM
Name: hawkeye
Where are you from? redding
Home Page:
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: who ever hates M*A*S*H is looney!!!!!!!!!!!
6/27/2004 6:49:30 AM
Name: Pretzel (Piper)
Where are you from? Camden, NSW, Australia
Home Page:
Reference: From a Friend
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Hey, mad site, it's the best M*A*S*H site i've seen. M*A*S*H rules!!! Great site
6/27/2004 6:45:48 AM
Name: Katie
Where are you from? Australia
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: This is a really cool site, i hope operation mash can happen, but i think you should update it (wallpapers) more often
6/26/2004 10:39:41 AM
Name: Tamasine
Email: enisamat@hotmail.com
Where are you from? UK
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Wow you must have put in loads of work on this site its really interesting! I can just remember my mum watching repeats on tv when i was younger so i am loving the dvds! Fantastic show x
6/25/2004 11:44:44 AM
Name: King Pilsner
Email: volker.kuenne@deutschesee.de
Where are you from? Singapore
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Well, I have taken quite a close look on your website and I must say that I find it extraordinarily interesting. You can be sure that I will come back prettey soon.
6/24/2004 8:15:17 PM
Name: Kelsey
Where are you from? Wisconsin
Home Page:
Reference: Another Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Hey! This is a great website! I've recently started watching M*A*S*H and now I can't stop. My parents think I've gone looney..but I think I REALLY have. When I had to go to the bathroom, I thought, "I have to go to the latrines." Yeah, I know, pathetic. Anyway, this show ROCKS and NEVER gets old.
And as the very wise, Sidney Freedman said," Ladies and Gentleman, take my advice. Pull down you pants, and slide on the ice."
Once again, great website.-Kelsey
6/23/2004 3:49:40 PM
Name: Marie-Pierre
Email: gabrielledtm@lycos.com
Where are you from?
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Does anyone know where I could get a MASH wallpaper?. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it.
Theres something I'd like to clear up for all MASH fans who really want to know what B.J.'s initials stand for. I happend to know that they stand for Belvedier Jehosephat.If you remember the episode called B.J.,in the scene where Hawkeye was in Post-op with him, Hawkeye guessed Belvedier Jehosephat and B.J. told him that he was right on his first guess. So I hope I cleared that up for everyone who's been wondering about it.
6/19/2004 3:08:23 AM
Name: Peter "Radar" O'Reilly
Email: kelter12@ozemail.com.au
Where are you from? Dubbo. AUSTRALIA
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
6/18/2004 4:24:54 AM
Name: Inez
Email: alienhuizinga@hetnet.nl
Where are you from? the Netherlands
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: The last reunion was not for us to see. So if they come back together again, please, please let us, in Europe, also be in on it.
Love to all MASH lovers.
6/17/2004 3:41:29 PM
Name: Marie-Pierre
Email: gabrielledtm@lycos.com
Where are you from? Canada
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
6/17/2004 1:52:56 AM
Name: Brandon
Email: brandomash@aol.com
Where are you from? Montrose, ca
Home Page:
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Mash is one of the best shows of all time and one of my favorite shows. I got episodes of mash on video.
6/16/2004 7:17:32 PM
Name: Wes
Email: wesbourne@yahoo.com.au
Where are you from? Central Coast, NSW, Australia
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I'm a self confessed M*A*S*H tragic. I totally wore out my video collection... thank god for DVD.
We only have the first three seasons available Down Under but thankfully my tragic kids keep a close watch on shop catalogues for the next one. Great site...
6/15/2004 5:50:55 AM
Name: S.L
Where are you from? Brisbane, Australia formerly Port Moresby P.N.G
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I love M*A*S*H. Hey, all you story writers for this site-keep going, they are great!
M*A*S*H rules!!!
6/14/2004 2:18:17 PM
Name: Susan Montag
Email: susanm@yahoo.com
Where are you from? New York
Home Page: Secret Niche Marketing Intelligence
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I can give you TOP rate - because your site is awesome!
6/12/2004 9:51:08 PM
Name: S.L
Where are you from? Brisbane Australia, formerly Port Moresby Papua Ne
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I love M*A*S*H. I'm eleven right now, and I got hooked with my nine year old brother when Dad introduced us to M*A*S*H. This site rules!
6/10/2004 3:26:02 AM
Name: Martin
Where are you from? The Netherlands
Home Page: Quint
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Last night we had the episode that Col.Blake has gone home and crashed with his plane.
It's still a hard episode so watch.
Goodbey Henry.
By the way, this is still a GREAT and PERFECT site.
Keep up the good works.
6/9/2004 5:03:06 AM
Name: Trudy Harris
Where are you from? Glasgow, GB
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: A fantastic page for MASH devotees everywhere
6/7/2004 2:29:13 AM
Name: Al Castellanos
Email: alcastellanos_2000@yahoo.com
Where are you from? Texas/NY
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I love the show & this site
6/2/2004 1:23:46 AM
Name: Salvo
Email: persalvo@inwind.it
Where are you from? Giarre
Home Page: Giarresi net
Reference: Other
Rate this site: Good
5/31/2004 9:18:10 PM
Name: Mike Lohman
Email: mannheimmaik@yahoo.com
Where are you from? Montana
Home Page: Welcome to Mike's Site
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Good
Comments: I watched as a child on television in the seventies and eighties. I didn't really understand it until after my service in the Gulf War in the nineties. Never has been, and never shall be, a series like this one, ever again.
5/31/2004 7:23:30 PM
Name: Mary E.
Where are you from? Kansas
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Thanks for this site. I absolutely adore it! I accidently came across an episode 3 years ago on television, needless to say I was hooked. Most teenagers though don't watch it or know of it, so I tried to get my friends to watch it. They had the same fate, and now we have "MASH nights" so we can laugh our butts off together!
5/31/2004 11:18:31 AM
Name: Graham Bell
Email: washingpool@aol.com
Where are you from? Dorset, England
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I have been watching MASH since the very first series. I continue to watch it on Sky and it is still as good as it ever was. Not only is it hilarious it puts very strongly the uselessness of war. Long live Hawkeye and all his collegues.
5/28/2004 8:33:21 PM
Name: Becky
Email: HawkeyeFan4077th@aol.com
Where are you from? Illinois
Home Page: Dear Dad (Again)
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: HI!!! I would just like to ask my fellows M*A*S*H fanatics to check out my homepage... It's made of pretend letters that I wrote from Hawkeye to his dad, Daniel, during war time. Please go look at it and leave a comment so that I know you've been there. After I watch a few episodes of M*A*S*H, I sit down and write the enrties. So, the subject matter goes along with what is happening on the show at that time. (I watch it on the Hallmark channel.) PLEASE TAKE A LOOK!!!
5/28/2004 3:48:52 PM
Name: Eileen
Email: CleoGlenn@aol.com
Where are you from? Texas
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Wonderful sound list