8/1/2005 10:36:15 PM
Name: Ric Fowler
Email: Rics_98@msn.com
Where are you from? Myrtle Beach,SC
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I just found this site tonight and so far it looks great!Can't wait to explore it more!!!
8/1/2005 5:57:22 AM
Name: meagn bruce
Email: granny_meg@hotmail.com
Where are you from? western austraila
Home Page:
Reference: Other
Rate this site: Great
Comments: just wanted to say again this site is great, it tells u so much about the gratest tv show erer mash. i love mash and always will.
8/1/2005 2:28:20 AM
Name: MASH Man
Where are you from? Dallas, Texas
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Hey this is the best MASH site ever!!! Great job on designing and information.
MASH Fans-Join Yahoo MASH group. URL:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/commandingoffice all you need is a yahoo account.
Once again- Awsome site!!!
7/31/2005 4:01:11 AM
Name: Shanny
Email: lilbub_babe@hotmail.com
Where are you from? australia
Home Page:
Reference: Other
Rate this site: Great
Comments: hey luv u megz!! BEST BUDDIES 4 LIFE!! M*A*S*H ROCKS!! LUV ME
7/29/2005 9:56:22 PM
Name: megs
Email: granny_meg@hotmail.com
Where are you from? western australia
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: this site is great, i love mash and i love hawkeye(alan alda) i think that alan is a great actor and will be rembered for years and years along with mash.
if anyone fells they same way please write to me, (granny_meg@hotmail.com)i also love rader.
7/26/2005 7:57:43 PM
Name: Courage-Bagge
Email: mycourage1999@yahoo.com
Where are you from? You don't need to know that
Home Page: The Kathy Greenwood Zone
Reference: From a Friend
Rate this site: Great
Comments: This is THE best M*A*S*H site I've ever discovered! Why it isn't number one in the search engines, I don't know. Please, keep up the great work! This site is AWESOME!
7/25/2005 5:04:12 PM
Name: Aaron Mils
Email: demokratickid@AOL.com
Where are you from? Plattsburgh
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
7/22/2005 8:38:11 AM
Name: Cary Carpenter
Email: deadman@twcny.rr.com
Where are you from? Rome,NY
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I still watch M*A*S*H every day on the Hallmark Channel.I love all of the main characters on the show and all of the nurses have a special place in my heart.If I were ever wounded in battle,I would want to be treated at a M*A*S*H like the 4077th.If Margaret Houlihan reads this,I have only one thing to say...Margaret,you are the best and you will always have an extra special place in my heart.I love you,darling.
7/21/2005 3:51:16 PM
Name: greg prunsky
Where are you from? frankfort IL
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: This website is the best that i have found about M*A*S*H
7/21/2005 2:42:53 PM
Name: Holly
Email: MASH4077th_hotlips@msn.com
Where are you from? Caledonia Canada
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
7/20/2005 9:24:11 PM
Name: Michelle P
Email: PosEdancer@aol.com
Where are you from? California
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
7/13/2005 4:13:23 PM
Name: Pierre
Email: pierrelafontaineA1@hotmail.com
Where are you from? Montreal, Can.
Home Page:
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Crabapple Cove is about three hours from Mtl. so I feel very much like a neighbour of the Pierce's...Hawkeye very closely expresses Canadian attitudes towards war, stupidity and narrowness of mind...I have season's 1 through eight but I still feel a void for all those years w/o a TV show like M*A*S*H...it was a great loss...like losing a member of the family...
7/5/2005 8:49:48 PM
Name: Fowli
Email: FowlFriDay@hotmail.com
Where are you from? S, WA
Home Page:
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: this site's awesome with lots of info, im a crazed mash addict who never gets tired of the 4077 thanks for the great site
p.s. my fav characters are all of them, especially Hawkeye and C.E.W.3.
7/5/2005 2:26:42 PM
Name: Elizabeth
Email: mashfreak4077@aol.com
Where are you from? New Ro,NY
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: MASH is the BEST show ever. To me it is the only show that can make you both cry and laugh within the same 30 min. I couldn't make it through a day without at least one episode of MASH. I have no favorites because they all ROCK. I love all of the characters but my favorites are Hawkeye and BJ b/c they were always joking around but when they had to go to work they stopped and went right to work. My all time FAVORITE quotes are "Ladies and gentlemen take my advice Pull down your pants and slide on the ice" by Dr. Freedman and " Listen, it's too big a world to be in competition with everyone. The only person who I have to be better than is myself. And in your case, that's enough." by Col. Potter MASH is an ageless legacy that is never going to end!!!!
7/3/2005 9:34:25 PM
Name: Holly
Email: mash4077th_hotlips@msn.com
Where are you from? Caledonia Canada
Home Page:
Reference: Other
Rate this site: Great
Comments: This is my fav site! i luv it MASH is the best!!!
6/29/2005 11:44:23 AM
Name: Katta
Where are you from? Germany
Home Page:
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I love this! There are good German MASH websites, but this is much better!!
Mash is not broadcast here anymore, but my family bought all the DVDs and now we can watch it every day. We have the original DVDs without subtitles, so we have to watch it in English. My brother and I learned English only by watching MASH =)
6/28/2005 8:52:29 AM
Name: Ruth and Rachel
Email: ruthbirch1@hotmail.com
Where are you from? Western Australia
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: This is a fully sik site, we spent ages looking at all the great stuff, and had fun with the quizes and games. "My word to hawkeye all this jocularity is most unseemly." "jocularity, jocularity". Keep up the good work, best site anywhere
6/20/2005 1:01:07 PM
Name: Maddie
Email: maddie6@bigmailbox.org
Where are you from? Mountainville, New York
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Great site, I enjoyed looking around.
6/20/2005 7:04:40 AM
Name: Sarah
Email: hadeslady@hotmail.com
Where are you from? UK
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I'm a hopeless M*A*S*H addict... I wasn't even born till the last series of the show, so watching it was a bit difficult till recently. Thank god for DVD and this site.
6/13/2005 4:34:55 PM
Name: Jake L.
Email: fiesta@ptd.net
Where are you from? PA
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Great
Comments: I love this site, not only do you have a lot of fun on the site, but you learn a lot of things about M*A*S*H* too.
I especially like the sound clips, and the songs.
6/10/2005 1:29:06 PM
Name: Joe Dokes
Email: bluebeard@ael.com
Where are you from? Mom says I'm from Heaven
Home Page:
Reference: Other
Rate this site: Okay
Comments: Are there any M*A*S*H fans over the age of 12? From reading this guestbook, it's hard to tell.
6/9/2005 10:12:02 PM
Name: Dan Corbett
Email: s45d642001@yahoo.com
Where are you from? liverpool, NY
Home Page:
Reference: Search Engine
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Love the Have to go MASH is on in 15 minutes/ have to make popcorn! or maybe RIBS!!!!!!!!!
6/2/2005 8:01:45 AM
Name: fIRMIN
Email: geoffrey.firmin@Kmail.com
Where are you from?
Home Page:
Reference: Just Stumbled on It
Rate this site: Okay
Comments: I have been reading your site for the past two hours.I want to let you know how much I have enjoyed and how much I have leaned. Thanks. I hope to see much more on your site.I put it on my favorites so i can go back to it.Thanks again.
5/31/2005 5:55:33 PM
Name: *Learin*Patterson*
Email: MASH7704@netscape.net
Where are you from? S*H*A*W*N*N*E*E,O*K*L*A*H*O*M*A*
Home Page:
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: My favorit quot is this Without love, what are we worth? Eighty-nine cents!Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking aroundlonely.~Hawkeye or Just remember, there's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everybody else do it the right way. ~Colonel Potter.My favorit song is suicude is painless.A brave man once requested me,to answer questions that are key.Is it to be or not to be?And I replied 'Oh why ask me?''Cause suicide is painless.It brings on many changes.And I can take or leave it if I please.That is my favor it part.My favorit poson is hawkeye,trapper or B.J..My favorit episod is all of thim.Thank.Age 11
5/31/2005 5:51:53 PM
Name: *Learin*Patterson*
Email: MASH7704@netscape.net
Where are you from? S*H*A*W*N*N*E*E,O*K*L*A*H*O*M*A*
Home Page:
Reference: Another MASH Site
Rate this site: Great
Comments: Thare wore onlly 3 people from the movie on the TV.the Ginrol,Rader and Eeggor.My favorit quot is this Without love, what are we worth? Eighty-nine cents!Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking around lonely.~Hawkeye or Just remember, there's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everybody else do it the right way. ~Colonel Potter.My favorit song is suicude is painless.A brave man once requested me,to answer questions that are key.Is it to be or not to be?
And I replied 'Oh why ask me?''Cause suicide is painless.It brings on many changes.And I can take or leave it if I please.That is my favor it part.My favorit poson is hawkeye,trapper or B.J..My favorit episod is all of thim.Thank you for the chans to sign the gestbook.