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1/27/2022 10:05:06 PM

Season 4 Judo references

In "The Kids", when Frank believes the one orphaned Korean boy stole his purple heart, he says to him in the shower "I've had 2 Judo lessons." Then in "Dear Ma", when Radar and Burns are in the mess tent, Radar says "They know judo." and Frank replies "Religion has nothing to do with this." Just seems inconsistent that in one earlier ep Frank knew what Judo was, then later on that same season he suddenly things Judo is a religion????

Big Daddy O'Reilly

1/29/2022 4:06:34 AM

And you know what's even more ironic? Both of those episodes were coincidentally written by Jim Fritzell & Everett Greenbaum and directed by Alan Alda - you'd think they would've remembered a little detail like that, but then again, most TV shows gave very little regard to continuity of any kind, since episodes would often be aired out of order in syndication anyway, and nobody thought in terms of DVDs or streaming.

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