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8/20/2021 2:07:21 AM

Burt Metcalfe on AfterMASH

I found (or it found me) an interview clip with Burt Metcalfe in which he speaks of AfterMASH. I'm not going to talk about what he said, though. It prompted a few thoughts about concepts for other spin-offs.

What if Klinger and Soon Li went back to Toledo instead of the VA hospital? Seems like Klinger's family, hometown friends and Toledo itself could have made for some funny sitcom storylines. What if Soon Li ran into Laverne?

I think Loretta Swit could have had a run in a show featuring Margaret. I'm not sure where she would be after Korea, but I think she was strong enough an actor to make a run. I think her show would be better as a drama, not a sitcom.

I just didn't have a good feeling about any other actors or combinations or premises. Alan Alda proved himself as a leading man, but not for a MASH spinoff. Mike Farrell as the family man with his family in Mill Valley? Maybe, but I just don't think it would have worked. Would Charles as chief of thoracic surgery worked as a show, sitcom or medical drama? I don't think so. I loved William Christopher's Mulcahy, but I don't think he could have carried a show.

Anyone else thought of any spinoff ideas?

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