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6/13/2021 11:27:54 PM


Portrayed by "CHIPS" lead actor Larry Wilcox, Milligan seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and yet, I can't help but feel some scorn toward him when he returns toward the end of the episode, as Radar I believe was beginning to really fall for Mulligan's girlfriend/wife as well as the baby. I felt more heartsick for Radar over that situation than the earlier episode where he got the Dear John recording from home. That never seemed plausible to me that Radar would have been engaged, given how shy and awkward he was.



6/20/2021 7:06:23 PM

This is a theme in MASH

War gives you a spark of hope, then unfairly swipes it away. Some examples in addition to the one you had:
Trapper almost adopted Kim, the little boy
Trapper almost got sent home for the ulcer
Hawkeye fell for the Korean lady, only to have her move south away from the fighting
Margaret's marriage
Mulcahy getting to meet his boxer hero only to have him die just a day or two after

I'm sure there's others. War just sucks and MASH tried to portray that in striking example after example.


8/15/2021 12:42:24 AM

FinestKindinTN wrote:
War gives you a spark of hope, then unfairly swipes it away. Some examples in addition to the one you had:
Trapper almost adopted Kim, the little boy
Trapper almost got sent home for the ulcer
Hawkeye fell for the Korean lady, only to have her move south away from the fighting
Margaret's marriage
Mulcahy getting to meet his boxer hero only to have him die just a day or two after

I'm sure there's others. War just sucks and MASH tried to portray that in striking example after example.

Probably the first of which was Hawk's friend dying on the table in "Sometimes You Hear The Bullet".

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