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1/10/2021 3:09:03 PM

MASH YouTube video comments

I know you all can just watch the video on YT, but I thought this might get a little discussion going here.
I subscribe to this fella's channel and he's posted a number of MASH-related ones the past 3-4 months.
So did Alan Alda ruin MASH?


1/29/2021 12:21:38 AM

I saw this video. I would say no. What "ruined" MASH (although I don't think it was ruined, just changed far too much) was when Gary left the show. Not only did we lose Radar, but we really lost Klinger too because he took over Radar's job and we lost the flamboyant version of the character who was trying to get out. Also we lost Sgt. Zale, but Rizzo soon came on and he was sensational! Anyway, I think the losing of Radar was really the final nail in the show's coffin. Yet a season 8 - 11 ep of MASH is still far better than most stuff now.

Big Daddy O'Reilly

2/1/2021 4:06:58 AM

I think it's easy for a lot of people to blame Alan Alda for "ruining" M*A*S*H for having so much influence behind the scenes in terms of writing, directing, and being a creative consultant, but when you really stop to think about it, almost every ensemble series on TV, one or more of the main actors has some form of creative control in the show . . . Bob Crane eventually did on HOGAN'S HEROES (and even began investing in the series during its final season), and in this day and age, almost every such series, one or more of the actors gets an executive producer credit.

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