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3/13/2017 11:39:07 PM

Bloomington, Illinois

McLean Stevenson was born in Normal, Illinois but of course his Henry Blake character hailed from Bloomington.

Two weekends ago I happened upon an old Doris Day Show episode. McLean played Doris' boss for a couple of seasons. This episode he stayed the weekend at her place and he ended up being quarantined there because Doris' son had the measles. McLean's character instructed Doris to call his home town to have his medical records checked to see if he already had the measles or not, and McLean's character in this series was also from Bloomington, Illinois! I busted out laughing when he mentioned that. Of course McLean was on Doris' show before MASH, and it's because of MASH that he left her show.


4/2/2017 9:38:58 PM

Bloomington and Normal are basically the same town! No one knows where the town line is. Lol.

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