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Georgia Girl

9/11/2012 1:51:44 PM


Today another 9-11 has came to fall and pass,

To all the men and women gone I will raise my glass.

Tis a time to teach our children how fragile life can be,

Tis a time to tell the world how much America means to you and me.

To destroy the man behind this evil, that is already done,

To remember all the familys in tears we still have yet to come.

Like the titanic, 100 from years today,

We no-doubt will still be crying over lives lost in the fray.

God bless all the familys and ones that suffered through,

God bless all the children, and also me and you.

Remember 9-11, as somber as it may be,

One day we'll be better, but not over the memories.

I gave it my best, guys. God Bless all the lost lives that are dancing in Heaven now. . . <3

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