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3/13/2009 3:50:44 PM


Q*U*A*N*T*U*M L*E*A*P - does anyone have a copy of this fic or a link to it that works? It's a Quantum Leap/M*A*S*H crossover story I remember reading ages ago and when I went to re-read found it's link blank and can't seem to find any other active link (the link from this site also appears broken).


4/3/2009 3:30:31 AM

This probably isn't the one you're looking for but here's another Quantum Leap crossover story.


Radar's Election Campaign Manager

6/1/2009 3:54:03 PM

friendly comment
jennamajig wrote:
Q*U*A*N*T*U*M L*E*A*P - does anyone have a copy of this fic or a link to it that works? It's a Quantum Leap/M*A*S*H crossover story I remember reading ages ago and when I went to re-read found it's link blank and can't seem to find any other active link (the link from this site also appears broken).

Not too bad an idea.
However, try seeing how well the Quantum leap folk can handle facing into the barrel of KLINGER'S .44 MAGNUM S&W revolver?


6/1/2009 5:35:36 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
Not too bad an idea.
However, try seeing how well the Quantum leap folk can handle facing into the barrel of KLINGER'S .44 MAGNUM S&W revolver?

WTF? How can they be shot when one of them is a Hologram?

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

6/1/2009 6:22:18 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
WTF? How can they be shot when one of them is a Hologram?

So he may just get one out of two? At least, KLINGER can only get that lucky.


6/14/2009 2:02:08 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
So he may just get one out of two? At least, KLINGER can only get that lucky.

You Monster! You heartless monster!

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

7/1/2009 7:02:08 PM

a knucklehead, eh?
LongLiveRock wrote:
You Monster! You heartless monster!

You've not seen any real heartless monsters until you've seen KLUTCH from the 1973 film "SUPERDAD" made by the DISNEY company.


7/1/2009 8:16:31 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
You've not seen any real heartless monsters until you've seen KLUTCH from the 1973 film "SUPERDAD" made by the DISNEY company.

Stop watching stupid movies and get a life!

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

7/9/2009 3:13:58 PM

think about it
LongLiveRock wrote:
Stop watching stupid movies and get a life!

KLUTCH is played by character-actor JOBY BAKER, and if you just watched "SUPERDAD" for only one time at least, well, you may also notice in spite of the gray in his sideburns, the late BOB CRANE aka COL. HOGAN.


7/9/2009 7:45:23 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
KLUTCH is played by character-actor JOBY BAKER, and if you just watched "SUPERDAD" for only one time at least, well, you may also notice in spite of the gray in his sideburns, the late BOB CRANE aka COL. HOGAN.

Who made porno movies in his spare time and was beaten to death with tripod!

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

7/9/2009 8:20:06 PM

historical details
LongLiveRock wrote:
Who made porno movies in his spare time and was beaten to death with tripod!

I'M aware of how BOB CRANE died, but you can't even comment on actors like, JOBY BAKER, much less characters like, KLUTCH.


8/7/2009 2:23:06 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
I'M aware of how BOB CRANE died, but you can't even comment on actors like, JOBY BAKER, much less characters like, KLUTCH.

I looked up Joby on Wikipedia and he seems like a pretty cool guy! He's from Canada, he was in a movie with Elvis, and he's now a abstract painter! Those things are pretty awesome in my book!

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

8/13/2009 7:11:50 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
I looked up Joby on Wikipedia and he seems like a pretty cool guy! He's from Canada, he was in a movie with Elvis, and he's now a abstract painter! Those things are pretty awesome in my book!

Only for now, but even though he is married to DORY PREVIN, the ex-wife of famed music composer ANDRE PREVIN whose works include the 1961 MGM epic "THE 4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCOLYPSE" as well as the 1967 musical comedy entitled "THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE". So with a little bit of very, extremely friendly persuasion from myself, and many others, including SONNY SHROYER, just to give out a few good names, well, my associates whom are going to help me do my remake of "SHALAKO" eventually get him back in front of the cameras for what may be not only JOBY BAKER'S best villain masterpiece to come, but also his swan song, film wise that is.


8/13/2009 11:25:20 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
Only for now, but even though he is married to DORY PREVIN, the ex-wife of famed music composer ANDRE PREVIN whose works include the 1961 MGM epic "THE 4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCOLYPSE" as well as the 1967 musical comedy entitled "THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE". So with a little bit of very, extremely friendly persuasion from myself, and many others, including SONNY SHROYER, just to give out a few good names, well, my associates whom are going to help me do my remake of "SHALAKO" eventually get him back in front of the cameras for what may be not only JOBY BAKER'S best villain masterpiece to come, but also his swan song, film wise that is.

Who would want to see an action movie with seinor citizens who no one remembers, who are probably retired from acting in the lead roles!

Please note: password is case-sensitive

9/27/2009 10:11:56 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
Who would want to see an action movie with seinor citizens who no one remembers, who are probably retired from acting in the lead roles!

Haha, so true. Try again, Cooper-scooper.

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

2/3/2010 7:33:35 PM

fair warning
Please note: password is case-sensitive wrote:
Haha, so true. Try again, Cooper-scooper.

The 3 STOOGES will haunt you for all eternity for that remark.

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

2/3/2010 7:35:14 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
Who would want to see an action movie with seinor citizens who no one remembers, who are probably retired from acting in the lead roles!

Depends on the amount of publicity given to the picture while still in pre-production. I guess you've never heard of pre-production have you????


2/3/2010 7:36:35 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
The 3 STOOGES will haunt you for all eternity for that remark.

The Goodies PWN them!


5/13/2010 6:07:28 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
The Goodies PWN them!

Now I just remembered they sorta suck!

S.F.P.D. Commissioner McMillan's son

2/8/2013 12:56:41 AM

LongLiveRock wrote:
The Goodies PWN them!

If that is so, then why don't they have what you find in the characteristics of the gremlins?

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