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12/4/2007 5:35:23 AM

story train

I saw this on another MASH board; and wanted to ask everyone if you'd like it if I started one here. "Story train" means I start a story, then other people add on to it.

I have part of a story all written in my head, and if people would like, I'll post it.


12/4/2007 8:38:53 PM

rainbowbridge wrote:
I saw this on another MASH board; and wanted to ask everyone if you'd like it if I started one here. "Story train" means I start a story, then other people add on to it.

I have part of a story all written in my head, and if people would like, I'll post it.

That's what E-M*A*S*H is for!


12/5/2007 5:35:35 AM

ok, here goes:

__________________________________________________ Radar walked over to the swamp, and knocked. Trapper was sitting inside on his bunk, nursing a drink. Hawkeye was in his bunk, asleep. Frank wasn't in. Trapper said "What is it, Radar? More casulties"? He said "No, nothing like that. Col. Blake wants all the senior officers in his office". Trapper sighed and said "DOSEN'T HENRY KNOW WE JUST CAME OFF 24 HOURS OF SURGERY"? "He knows; and he says he's sorry; but this is important". Trapper sighed again and said "OK, we'll be there". "OK" Radar left. Trapper got up, went over to Hawkeye, rubbed his shoulder and said "Hawk" "HAWK"! Hawkeye rolled over, opened one eye and said "Korea"? "Yep" "The war still"? "Yep" "C'mon, Henry wants us in his office". Hawkeye moaned, opened the other eye, sat up, and reached for his boots....


12/5/2007 9:24:48 AM

LongLiveRock wrote:
That's what E-M*A*S*H is for!

I thought that's what FanFiction was for.


12/7/2007 5:07:50 AM

well, since noone else has added on to it; I may as well


They walked into Col. Blakes office, Hawkeye in his robe and Trapper in a wrinkled uniform. Frank and Hot Lips were already there. Trapper walked over to Henrys licquer cabinet, as Frank said to Hawkeye "How dare you show up in your comanders office dressed like that! And you didn't even shave"! Hawkeye stuck his tounge out at Frank; and Frank shouted "COL. BLAKE, DID YOU SEE THAT"? Henry said "Can the smart remarks for once, will you Pierce"? Hawkeye sat down under the window and said "Allright, sorry, Henry. So what's this all about"? As Trapper brought a bottle and 3 glasses over to his desk.


12/7/2007 5:26:12 AM

He poured 3 drinks, handed one to Hawkeye, one to Henry, and kept one. Then he sat on the corner of the desk and said "What's up"?
Henry said "I just got off the phone with Gen. Hammond. A nearby aid stations been hit by the north koreans-hard. He wants me to send a doctor and a nurse from here. Any volunteers"? Noone said anything. He said "RADAR? GOT THE CASULTIEY FIGURES"? Radar walked in, saying over Henry "Here's those casulty reports sir", handed them to him and walked out. Henry looked down at them, looked up and said "OK, Pierce you stay her. You're the chief surgeon, and I can't afford to lose you. So it's between myself, McIntyre....and....Burns". "So, I guess I'll have to pick one". Trapper spoke up and said "No need for that, Henry. I'll go". He said "Thank you McIntyre. OK, now I need a nurse". He looked down at the list again, then looked at Hot Lips and said "Major, which one of your nurses would you reccomend"? She paused and said "For a mission like this, I'll go myself".


12/10/2007 5:15:50 AM

isn't anyone gonna do this? C'mon all you MASH fanatics!


12/14/2007 4:35:55 AM

well; looks like noone's interested in doing it!

Well; I THOUGHT it was a good idea; guess I was wrong!


1/10/2008 12:23:47 AM

rainbowbridge wrote:
He poured 3 drinks, handed one to Hawkeye, one to Henry, and kept one. Then he sat on the corner of the desk and said "What's up"?
Henry said "I just got off the phone with Gen. Hammond. A nearby aid stations been hit by the north koreans-hard. He wants me to send a doctor and a nurse from here. Any volunteers"? Noone said anything. He said "RADAR? GOT THE CASULTIEY FIGURES"? Radar walked in, saying over Henry "Here's those casulty reports sir", handed them to him and walked out. Henry looked down at them, looked up and said "OK, Pierce you stay her. You're the chief surgeon, and I can't afford to lose you. So it's between myself, McIntyre....and....Burns". "So, I guess I'll have to pick one". Trapper spoke up and said "No need for that, Henry. I'll go". He said "Thank you McIntyre. OK, now I need a nurse". He looked down at the list again, then looked at Hot Lips and said "Major, which one of your nurses would you reccomend"? She paused and said "For a mission like this, I'll go myself".

To which Hawkeye replied; "Aww! Our little nurse, going by herself for the first time!"

"CAN IT, PIERCE!" Margaret replied.

Garbage officer

1/12/2008 10:40:19 AM

rainbowbridge wrote:
well; looks like noone's interested in doing it!

Well; I THOUGHT it was a good idea; guess I was wrong!

It's easier to write a story on your own, or go in to something like this knowing others want to do it. And even then, you're story can be ruined by others not taking it seriously.

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

1/12/2009 4:59:34 PM

rainbowbridge wrote:
He poured 3 drinks, handed one to Hawkeye, one to Henry, and kept one. Then he sat on the corner of the desk and said "What's up"?
Henry said "I just got off the phone with Gen. Hammond. A nearby aid stations been hit by the north koreans-hard. He wants me to send a doctor and a nurse from here. Any volunteers"? Noone said anything. He said "RADAR? GOT THE CASULTIEY FIGURES"? Radar walked in, saying over Henry "Here's those casulty reports sir", handed them to him and walked out. Henry looked down at them, looked up and said "OK, Pierce you stay her. You're the chief surgeon, and I can't afford to lose you. So it's between myself, McIntyre....and....Burns". "So, I guess I'll have to pick one". Trapper spoke up and said "No need for that, Henry. I'll go". He said "Thank you McIntyre. OK, now I need a nurse". He looked down at the list again, then looked at Hot Lips and said "Major, which one of your nurses would you reccomend"? She paused and said "For a mission like this, I'll go myself".

Good show, old bean.
Keep up the good work.
Expect to see future GRAND RAPIDS chapters with RADAR as the county sheriff, KLINGER as his CHIEF-OF-DETECTIVES at the rank of inspector, & COL. FLAGG as hsi chief deputy at the rank of captain.


1/12/2009 6:55:19 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
Good show, old bean.
Keep up the good work.
Expect to see future GRAND RAPIDS chapters with RADAR as the county sheriff, KLINGER as his CHIEF-OF-DETECTIVES at the rank of inspector, & COL. FLAGG as hsi chief deputy at the rank of captain.

You're suppose to add on to the story, not plug your own!

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

6/1/2009 4:11:28 PM

research time
LongLiveRock wrote:
You're suppose to add on to the story, not plug your own!

You just cannot accept the fact that research has taken up such a great deal of my time currently?

Please note: password is case-sensitive

6/2/2009 12:40:42 AM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
You just cannot accept the fact that research has taken up such a great deal of my time currently?

You need more than research to help you!

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

7/1/2009 6:45:57 PM

stubborn, eh?
Please note: password is case-sensitive wrote:
You need more than research to help you!

I've recently decided to redo chapter 28, and just completed it a while ago. Besides, DETECTIVE MUNCH of "LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT" has been quite a nice inspiration to me as well as research I gathered from various car collectors clubs that focus on older model PLYMOUTH police cars.


7/1/2009 8:07:28 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
I've recently decided to redo chapter 28, and just completed it a while ago. Besides, DETECTIVE MUNCH of "LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT" has been quite a nice inspiration to me as well as research I gathered from various car collectors clubs that focus on older model PLYMOUTH police cars.

I'm not stubborn, it's you who's the stubborn one!

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

7/9/2009 3:10:52 PM

why I oughta...
LongLiveRock wrote:
I'm not stubborn, it's you who's the stubborn one!

Let's just say that HENRY HUGGINS & SCOOTER McCARTHY (from those books by BEVERLY CLEARY) become deputies for RADAR after their honorable discharges from the U.S. Army 5TH SPECIAL GROUP of the GREEN BERETS?


8/7/2009 2:35:44 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
Let's just say that HENRY HUGGINS & SCOOTER McCARTHY (from those books by BEVERLY CLEARY) become deputies for RADAR after their honorable discharges from the U.S. Army 5TH SPECIAL GROUP of the GREEN BERETS?

What does that have to do with what I said?

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

8/13/2009 6:47:55 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
What does that have to do with what I said?

I only thought that if RADAR employed them as deputies, well, things would be more peaceful, for a change.


8/13/2009 7:41:10 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
I only thought that if RADAR employed them as deputies, well, things would be more peaceful, for a change.

No, there is no such thing as peace in this town, people get killed in like every chapter!

Please note: password is case-sensitive

9/27/2009 10:18:32 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
No, there is no such thing as peace in this town, people get killed in like every chapter!

Yeah, in the most gruesome and/or ridiculous way possible!

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

2/3/2010 7:10:01 PM

Please note: password is case-sensitive wrote:
Yeah, in the most gruesome and/or ridiculous way possible!

if you want something truly gruesome, well, try the 1963 film "THE HAUNTING". It airs occassionally on T.C.M. (TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES) in its letterbox, or widescreen format, and it has been labeled a rated 'G', even for a b&w horror movie.


2/3/2010 7:11:43 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
if you want something truly gruesome, well, try the 1963 film "THE HAUNTING". It airs occassionally on T.C.M. (TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES) in its letterbox, or widescreen format, and it has been labeled a rated 'G', even for a b&w horror movie.


Radar's Election Campaign Manager

8/3/2010 7:56:29 AM

failure to take motice
LongLiveRock wrote:

you wouldn't know the difference a good failure from a bad success.


8/5/2010 12:29:14 AM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
you wouldn't know the difference a good failure from a bad success.

I have DeviantArt page, a LiveJournal, A YouTube Page, and I take all types of classes and stuff, I am working my way to success NOT bragging about it and making up excuses!

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