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10/10/2005 6:06:41 PM

the completion of chapter 30

Fellow "M*A*S*H" fans,
It's official! Chapter 30 of "THE GRAND RAPIDS O'REILLYS", which is entitled "RUN FOR THE MONEY, PT. 1: GOING TO LAS VEGAS" is completed,
& has just been emailed to DAVID LONG for reviewing! Work on chapter 31 entitled "RUN FOR THE MONEY PT. 2: S.P.E.C.T.R.E. (SPECIAL EXECUTIVE for COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, TERRORISm, REVENGE, and EXTORTION) FRAMES B./J. McKAY, or RADAR, KLINGER, & FLAGG VS. SHERIFF LOBO, DEPUTY PERKINS, CAPTAIN CAIN, DEPUTY HIGGENS, SGT. WILEY, and THE FOX". Keep on watching as DAIVD keeps posting them, y'all! Bye.



10/11/2005 3:17:44 AM

Fellow "M*A*S*H" fans,
It's official! Chapter 30 of "THE GRAND RAPIDS O'REILLYS", which is entitled "RUN FOR THE MONEY, PT. 1: GOING TO LAS VEGAS" is completed,
& has just been emailed to DAVID LONG for reviewing! Work on chapter 31 entitled "RUN FOR THE MONEY PT. 2: S.P.E.C.T.R.E. (SPECIAL EXECUTIVE for COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, TERRORISm, REVENGE, and EXTORTION) FRAMES B./J. McKAY, or RADAR, KLINGER, & FLAGG VS. SHERIFF LOBO, DEPUTY PERKINS, CAPTAIN CAIN, DEPUTY HIGGENS, SGT. WILEY, and THE FOX". Keep on watching as DAIVD keeps posting them, y'all! Bye.

Wow, JC2 I was wrong about you, you're quite famous, too read these wonderful raves people have written about you...


11/18/2005 11:20:02 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
Wow, JC2 I was wrong about you, you're quite famous, too read these wonderful raves people have written about you...

For once you said the right kinda thing LIVEROCK! HEH! HEH! HEH! Oh, by the way, I just got word from my cousin TOM "MAC" McMILLAN whom will be producing the theatrical film version of
"THE GRAND RAPIDS O'REILYS" to be entitled
members of the CBS-TV short-lived 1980'S sitcom
"SQUARE PEGS" namely, SARAH JESSICA PARKER, JAMI GERTZ, & TRACY NELSON have agreed to reclaim their roles as part of the cast as soon as filming begins in the real life GRAND RAPIDS, MINNESOTA! I'll have the film's director GUY HAMILTON whom has handled such classic as
"GOLDFINGER" to get you some V.I.P. balcony seats for the worldwide premiere at the NORSHOR THEATRE in DULUTH, MINNESOTA, unless you prefer the DRURY LANE THEATRE in the CHICAGO suburb of ST. CHARLES, ILLINOIS!?


12/14/2005 1:16:33 AM

For once you said the right kinda thing LIVEROCK! HEH! HEH! HEH! Oh, by the way, I just got word from my cousin TOM "MAC" McMILLAN whom will be producing the theatrical film version of
"THE GRAND RAPIDS O'REILYS" to be entitled
members of the CBS-TV short-lived 1980'S sitcom
"SQUARE PEGS" namely, SARAH JESSICA PARKER, JAMI GERTZ, & TRACY NELSON have agreed to reclaim their roles as part of the cast as soon as filming begins in the real life GRAND RAPIDS, MINNESOTA! I'll have the film's director GUY HAMILTON whom has handled such classic as
"GOLDFINGER" to get you some V.I.P. balcony seats for the worldwide premiere at the NORSHOR THEATRE in DULUTH, MINNESOTA, unless you prefer the DRURY LANE THEATRE in the CHICAGO suburb of ST. CHARLES, ILLINOIS!?

I don't think he read, what the people said about him!


8/14/2006 8:34:54 PM

ATTN.: LongLiveRock
LongLiveRock wrote:
I don't think he read, what the people said about him!

Now you just hold on there fellow "M*A*S*H" fan.
I've read everything that everyone has written about me to date. Also, if you've ever read about a certain Mr. DILLINGER in the history books, well, you may recall that he died in an alley near the old BIOGRAPH theatre in CHICAGO in 1934 at the hands of FBI agents lead by one MELVIN PURVIS. Now even as I'M writing this certain associates of mine whom shall remain nameless for reasons of security are working on a plan to buy the site if the old BIOGRAPH theatre for purposes of rebuilding it to it's original glamour & glory of the 1930'S. Besides, GUY HAMILTON I may also have TOM WOPAT of "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD" helping to direct the 2ND unit action sequences. So don't be too suprised if you happen to see a CHICAGO TRIBUNE by-line that'll "BIOGRAPH THEATRE TO BE REBUILT", well, be prepared!


8/14/2006 9:00:19 PM

Now you just hold on there fellow "M*A*S*H" fan.
I've read everything that everyone has written about me to date. Also, if you've ever read about a certain Mr. DILLINGER in the history books, well, you may recall that he died in an alley near the old BIOGRAPH theatre in CHICAGO in 1934 at the hands of FBI agents lead by one MELVIN PURVIS. Now even as I'M writing this certain associates of mine whom shall remain nameless for reasons of security are working on a plan to buy the site if the old BIOGRAPH theatre for purposes of rebuilding it to it's original glamour & glory of the 1930'S. Besides, GUY HAMILTON I may also have TOM WOPAT of "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD" helping to direct the 2ND unit action sequences. So don't be too suprised if you happen to see a CHICAGO TRIBUNE by-line that'll "BIOGRAPH THEATRE TO BE REBUILT", well, be prepared!

What does that have to with what other people say about you, I have a feeling a mad scientist is going to find your movie and show it to a guy and his robots trapped on a spaceship!


8/14/2006 9:10:45 PM

Now you just hold on there fellow "M*A*S*H" fan.
I've read everything that everyone has written about me to date. Also, if you've ever read about a certain Mr. DILLINGER in the history books, well, you may recall that he died in an alley near the old BIOGRAPH theatre in CHICAGO in 1934 at the hands of FBI agents lead by one MELVIN PURVIS. Now even as I'M writing this certain associates of mine whom shall remain nameless for reasons of security are working on a plan to buy the site if the old BIOGRAPH theatre for purposes of rebuilding it to it's original glamour & glory of the 1930'S. Besides, GUY HAMILTON I may also have TOM WOPAT of "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD" helping to direct the 2ND unit action sequences. So don't be too suprised if you happen to see a CHICAGO TRIBUNE by-line that'll "BIOGRAPH THEATRE TO BE REBUILT", well, be prepared!

Also about the BIOGRAPH, someone beat you to it.

Also you can enjoy this...

and than tell me RUSSELL JOHNSON hates this show (he doesn't, by the way!)

Please note: password is case-sensitive


8/14/2006 10:38:39 PM

Now you just hold on there fellow "M*A*S*H" fan.
I've read everything that everyone has written about me to date. Also, if you've ever read about a certain Mr. DILLINGER in the history books, well, you may recall that he died in an alley near the old BIOGRAPH theatre in CHICAGO in 1934 at the hands of FBI agents lead by one MELVIN PURVIS. Now even as I'M writing this certain associates of mine whom shall remain nameless for reasons of security are working on a plan to buy the site if the old BIOGRAPH theatre for purposes of rebuilding it to it's original glamour & glory of the 1930'S. Besides, GUY HAMILTON I may also have TOM WOPAT of "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD" helping to direct the 2ND unit action sequences. So don't be too suprised if you happen to see a CHICAGO TRIBUNE by-line that'll "BIOGRAPH THEATRE TO BE REBUILT", well, be prepared!

Now just a second there fellow "M*A*S*H" fan.
Do you thrive on negative attention? You seemed to enjoy what they wrote about you in the LIVEJOURNAL thing.


8/14/2006 11:18:05 PM

Please note: password is case-sensitive wrote:
Now just a second there fellow "M*A*S*H" fan.
Do you thrive on negative attention? You seemed to enjoy what they wrote about you in the LIVEJOURNAL thing.

An English teacher saw his story and deemed it unreadable after a few sentences because of the CAPS LOCK on Proper Nouns!

Please note: password is case-sensitive


8/14/2006 11:19:33 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
An English teacher saw his story and deemed it unreadable after a few sentences because of the CAPS LOCK on Proper Nouns!

That's funny. I felt the same way about his story.


8/14/2006 11:20:48 PM

Please note: password is case-sensitive wrote:
That's funny. I felt the same way about his story.

If he quit doing that it would help, but there are still so many other problems.

hossfrau hec


8/21/2006 8:09:01 PM

Where's Kryten When You Need Him?!?
LongLiveRock wrote:
What does that have to with what other people say about you, I have a feeling a mad scientist is going to find your movie and show it to a guy and his robots trapped on a spaceship!

"I want to lie, shipwrecked and comatose, drinking fresh mango juice..."
Oops-- wrong spaceship. Oh, dear...
**pulls "H" decal off forehead, slinks out of thread**


8/21/2006 8:32:26 PM

hossfrau hec wrote:
"I want to lie, shipwrecked and comatose, drinking fresh mango juice..."
Oops-- wrong spaceship. Oh, dear...
**pulls "H" decal off forehead, slinks out of thread**

No, the show I'm thinking about was made in Minnesota from 1988 to 1999.


9/6/2006 12:45:12 AM

LongLiveRock wrote:
No, the show I'm thinking about was made in Minnesota from 1988 to 1999.

Here'a video of the one of the best episodes!


10/29/2006 6:29:34 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
Here'a video of the one of the best episodes!

Guess what, there's article about you know who...,_II


11/2/2006 9:52:13 PM

Now you just hold on there fellow "M*A*S*H" fan.
I've read everything that everyone has written about me to date. Also, if you've ever read about a certain Mr. DILLINGER in the history books, well, you may recall that he died in an alley near the old BIOGRAPH theatre in CHICAGO in 1934 at the hands of FBI agents lead by one MELVIN PURVIS. Now even as I'M writing this certain associates of mine whom shall remain nameless for reasons of security are working on a plan to buy the site if the old BIOGRAPH theatre for purposes of rebuilding it to it's original glamour & glory of the 1930'S. Besides, GUY HAMILTON I may also have TOM WOPAT of "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD" helping to direct the 2ND unit action sequences. So don't be too suprised if you happen to see a CHICAGO TRIBUNE by-line that'll "BIOGRAPH THEATRE TO BE REBUILT", well, be prepared!

What the hell are you on???????


11/2/2006 10:11:10 PM

margaret_rita wrote:
What the hell are you on???????

We've all been wondering the same thing, but he will never tell us!



11/6/2006 8:55:19 PM

LongLiveRock wrote:
Guess what, there's article about you know who...,_II

Great article, 5 stars A+

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

12/3/2006 5:59:01 PM

the answer to your question
margaret_rita wrote:
What the hell are you on???????

I'M just a regular American in the words of one of my many splendored heroes namely, ARCHIE BUNKER of 704 HAUSER STREET in QUEENS from NORMAN LEAR'S tv classic "ALL IN THE FAMILY".
Now as for my story, well, I'll be as brief as possible in summing it up. RADAR leaves IOWA for MINNESOTA where he marries NURSE BIGELOW, & they raise their family of all sons only.
Also, RADAR starts out as a deputy sheriff, but when the sheriff is shot by mafia members, RADAR guns down the coasta noastra boys leading to a long time blood vendetta with the BUBBLINO crime family of the ELMIRA, NEW YORK suburb of HORSEHEADS. Then by the 1970'S, JUDGE STEDMAN from neighboring CASS COUNTY decides he wants to take over the industrial empire of GOMEZ ADDAMS, & that's when RADAR goes all out on the warpath, but JUDGE STEDMAN has a trick up his sleeve by making FRANK BURNS the new sheriff in CASS COUNTY to fight RADAR whose jurisdiction as you may recall is ITASCA COUNTY. This'll bring on a range war so bloody that it makes the circa1892 range war of JOHNSON COUNTY, WYOMING look like a picnic for the most part of it. Then things really take a turn for the worst when the BUBBLINOS recruite youth gang members from the ghetto areas of ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA to fight RADAR. So as the VIETNAM war draws to a close, RADAR then gets an ally in the form of CHARLES EMERSON WINCHESTER, III. whom after another 10YRS with the 4077TH has returned to AMERICA, but only to become the new coroner of ITASCA COUNTY, and with this range war, well, his work is really lined up for him.


12/3/2006 6:13:34 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
I'M just a regular American in the words of one of my many splendored heroes namely, ARCHIE BUNKER of 704 HAUSER STREET in QUEENS from NORMAN LEAR'S tv classic "ALL IN THE FAMILY".
Now as for my story, well, I'll be as brief as possible in summing it up. RADAR leaves IOWA for MINNESOTA where he marries NURSE BIGELOW, & they raise their family of all sons only.
Also, RADAR starts out as a deputy sheriff, but when the sheriff is shot by mafia members, RADAR guns down the coasta noastra boys leading to a long time blood vendetta with the BUBBLINO crime family of the ELMIRA, NEW YORK suburb of HORSEHEADS. Then by the 1970'S, JUDGE STEDMAN from neighboring CASS COUNTY decides he wants to take over the industrial empire of GOMEZ ADDAMS, & that's when RADAR goes all out on the warpath, but JUDGE STEDMAN has a trick up his sleeve by making FRANK BURNS the new sheriff in CASS COUNTY to fight RADAR whose jurisdiction as you may recall is ITASCA COUNTY. This'll bring on a range war so bloody that it makes the circa1892 range war of JOHNSON COUNTY, WYOMING look like a picnic for the most part of it. Then things really take a turn for the worst when the BUBBLINOS recruite youth gang members from the ghetto areas of ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA to fight RADAR. So as the VIETNAM war draws to a close, RADAR then gets an ally in the form of CHARLES EMERSON WINCHESTER, III. whom after another 10YRS with the 4077TH has returned to AMERICA, but only to become the new coroner of ITASCA COUNTY, and with this range war, well, his work is really lined up for him.

We know, we suggest you see a pyschistrist who is NOT Sidney Freidman! Do you like Metalocalyspe?

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

12/3/2006 6:14:55 PM

congradulations on a groovy compliment
Brick wrote:
Great article, 5 stars A+

I'M glad that someone likes the idea of a crossover that allows RADAR to hob-knob with B./J. McKAY, CORDELL WALKER, CARL KOLCHAK,
STEWART "MAC" McMILLAN, GOMEZ ADDAMS, HERMAN MUNSTER, MAXWELL SMART, LEWIS ERSKINE, STEVE McGARRETT, JOHN STEED, TARA KING, EMMA PEEL, & that's just to name a few, you know. Further details as soon as I can finish my official research for my fanfic story.


12/3/2006 6:19:20 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
I'M glad that someone likes the idea of a crossover that allows RADAR to hob-knob with B./J. McKAY, CORDELL WALKER, CARL KOLCHAK,
STEWART "MAC" McMILLAN, GOMEZ ADDAMS, HERMAN MUNSTER, MAXWELL SMART, LEWIS ERSKINE, STEVE McGARRETT, JOHN STEED, TARA KING, EMMA PEEL, & that's just to name a few, you know. Further details as soon as I can finish my official research for my fanfic story.

You didn't read the acticle! Can DETHKLOK be in the story, too!

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

12/3/2006 6:27:12 PM

a simple reminder
Please note: password is case-sensitive wrote:
Now just a second there fellow "M*A*S*H" fan.
Do you thrive on negative attention? You seemed to enjoy what they wrote about you in the LIVEJOURNAL thing.

I do not, nor have I ever thrived on negative attention. However, I've been quite the differ to coin a phrase. I've also been checking up constantly on my private research I've been using to inliven my fanfic story. So when I finish with this one about RADAR, well, then I'll start on the one in which MULCAHY becomes sort of a one-man A-TEAM, which includes certain things the A-TEAM themselves would never do such as; gunning down a family court judge in SAN FRANCISCO when an aunt and uncle contested the last will and testament of a mother whom wanted her child to stay with her personal physician, btu the reason for having the will contested in the first place was because the physician was gay. Another case in point is gunning down U.S. MARSHALS who arrested a LOUISIANA woman on kidnapping charges brought against her by her
mother-in-law whom was after the trust fund left behind for the woman's daughter. Ofcourse, those details will have to wait until I can officially begin writing "PILOT MULCAHY", which later on when it too hits the movie theatres will be under the title of "SKY PILOT" with 7MINS & 26SECS of opening credtis tiome c/o the song "SKY PILOT" as performed by ERIC BURDON & THE ANIMALS.


12/3/2006 6:32:14 PM

Radar's Election Campaign Manager wrote:
I do not, nor have I ever thrived on negative attention. However, I've been quite the differ to coin a phrase. I've also been checking up constantly on my private research I've been using to inliven my fanfic story. So when I finish with this one about RADAR, well, then I'll start on the one in which MULCAHY becomes sort of a one-man A-TEAM, which includes certain things the A-TEAM themselves would never do such as; gunning down a family court judge in SAN FRANCISCO when an aunt and uncle contested the last will and testament of a mother whom wanted her child to stay with her personal physician, btu the reason for having the will contested in the first place was because the physician was gay. Another case in point is gunning down U.S. MARSHALS who arrested a LOUISIANA woman on kidnapping charges brought against her by her
mother-in-law whom was after the trust fund left behind for the woman's daughter. Ofcourse, those details will have to wait until I can officially begin writing "PILOT MULCAHY", which later on when it too hits the movie theatres will be under the title of "SKY PILOT" with 7MINS & 26SECS of opening credtis tiome c/o the song "SKY PILOT" as performed by ERIC BURDON & THE ANIMALS.

Don't you know what that song is actually about? Gunning down a family court judge? As the boys in Dethklok would say, "That's Brutal!"

Radar's Election Campaign Manager

12/3/2006 7:05:21 PM

my reply
LongLiveRock wrote:
Don't you know what that song is actually about? Gunning down a family court judge? As the boys in Dethklok would say, "That's Brutal!"

That may be brutal to him, but if you need more information, well, go to to check up on the guest appearance list for the 1985-86 season of "HOTEL" for the episode in which DOUGLAS BARR plays the gay doctor whom was awarded custody of the child of his patient whose sister in that episode as played by MARION ROSS and brother-in-law as played by the late LLOYD BOCHNER contested the will, but wound up giving the kid to the doctor, and therefore in the process the will of the mother was fulfilled, and the aunt and uncle namely, MR. and MRS. CAMERON WHEELER ran with their tails between their legs. Basically, all MULCAHY does to kill MR. and MRS. WHEELER is to plant a bomb under the hood of the WHEELERS car parked at a parking garage three stories above the street in and near the airport in CLEVELAND. So when MR. WHEELER turns the key of his car to start the motor, well, that's when him and MRS. WHEELER face final judgement in front of ST. PETER.
So therefore, the judge is gunned down by MULCAHY'S .44 MAGNUM SMITH & WESSON revolver as he leaves the courthouse after custody is awarded to the aunt and uncle under his ruling. I may even add a car chase to the story in which just like the car chase from 1971'S "THE FRENCH CONNECTION", but the only difference being is that the chase takes place in SAN FRANCISCO, and the lawyer hired by the aunt and uncle is on a BART (BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT) train while MULCAHY pursues using a stolen car, which he'd
commandeered by posing as an S.F.P.D. plainclothesman. Then just like with POPEYE DOYLE in "THE FRENCH CONNECTION" itself, well, MULCAHY is waiting when the lawyer comes to his dropping off stop when he sees MULCAHY with .44 MAGNUM in hand waiting for him, and he turns to his right, and MULCAHY fires the gun killing the lawyer right then and there.

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