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5/13/2024 10:07:32 PM

Mail Call 3 Mulcahy

I am back! I was wdm1219inpenna but forgot my password. Anyway, with Season 4's Mail Call 3, the scene in Potter's office where they are watching Radar's home movies, Potter does a very casual "role call" as far as who is in his office to watch and he omits Father Mulcahy's name. He sees him there and apologizes and Mulcahy says "I'm often mistaken for being absent." Why did he say that line? Was that an inside joke since Bill Christopher's name had not yet appeared at the start of the show?


9/21/2024 4:33:41 AM

Just bumping this thread as nobody replied to it initially.

Big Daddy O'Reilly

9/22/2024 6:03:15 AM

I always saw it as a bit of self-deprecation, especially considering there were a few episodes throughout the series, such as "Mulcahy's War" and "Dear Sis" among others where he expresses how useless he feels in camp because nobody ever comes to his services, nor does anybody ever seek out his guidance or spiritual comfort,

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